California Medical Marijuana Laws
California Department of Public Health
The Medical Marijuana Identification Card Program (MMICP) is administered by the California Department of Public Health which created a state-authorized Medical Marijuana Identification Card (MMIC) and established a state-authorized registry database to verify qualified patients and, if applicable, their primary caregivers. A medical marijuana card can only be obtained at your county program office. As part of the application, patients must submit a written documentation of their medical condition which must be certified by the attending physician. He or she must certify in writing the patient has a serious medical condition that may be appropriate for medical cannabis treatment. The original document will need to be submitted with the application, and the physician must keep a copy and add it to your medical records. The physician will be contacted to verify the patient’s medical documentation. To make the verification process to run smoothly, patients will want to ensure they have authorized in writing release of medical information at their physician’s office Serious medical conditions as stated in California statute include, AIDS, wasting syndrome, cancer, chronic pain, glaucoma, migraine, persistent muscle spasms, to name a few.
Patients who possess a physician’s recommendation may legally possess and obtain medical cannabis provided by state licensed dispensaries. Patients under the age of 21 are not permitted to consume herbal forms of cannabis. Inhaling herbal cannabis is not permitted by adults in the presence of a pregnant woman or a child age 14 or under. Dispensaries may not provide cannabis-infused food or drink products with more than 10mg of THC.
Yes. A “caregiver” means a person who is at least twenty-one (21) years old who has agreed to assist with a qualifying patient’s medical use of marijuana and has qualified for and obtained a caregiver identification card issued by the Department of Health. The Department may limit the number of qualifying patients a caregiver may assist at one time and the number of caregivers that a qualifying patient may have at one time.
To apply for a medical marijuana identification card, you must apply through your county health department or its designee. The information you must submit includes a valid government-issued photo Id such as a driver license. You may designate a caregiver on your application, and that caregiver must present a photo Id at the same time you submit your application. A caregiver is defined as a person who is consistently responsible for the housing, health, or safety of a qualified patient. A minor under the age of 18 may apply for a medical marijuana card under certain conditions. As part of the application process, you must provide proof of residency by providing a current rent/mortgage receipt or recent utility bill in your name with your current address in the county, or you may provide this proof of residency by providing a current California motor vehicle registration in your name with your current address in the county. Written documentation from your physician recommending the use of medical marijuana for the treatment of your medical condition. As stated above, your physician may use the Written Documentation of Patients Medical Records form on the California Department of Health web site. To determine the application fee, you will need to contact your local county health department for office locations and identification card fees. Please note if you submit an incomplete application or are denied a MMIC, you may not apply again for six months. You may appeal a denial for a medical marijuana card by completing and submitting an Appeals Form to the California Department of Health at no cost within 30 calendar days of the date you received your denial notice from your county program. After you submit your application, your county program has 30 days to verify your application and once your application is verified the county program has five days to make the medical marijuana card available to you. The county program, if they find there’s no reason to deny your application, may take 35 days for you to receive your medical marijuana card. Missing documents or information may delay the process. You may contact your county’s program if you have not received your medical marijuana card within 35 days. It’s suggested you track your medical marijuana product experiences, so you may determine which products provide you with the desired treatment effects. National Medical Marijuana Card Services provides you with a patient journal, so you may chronicle your medical marijuana product experiences. This information may prove useful to you, so you discuss your cannabis treatment with your physician. Log in to use the patient journal!
Find a licensed marijuana doctor nearby to get your recommendation for a medical marijuana card.
Marijuana DoctorsMedicinal marijuana and low-THC cannabis products are available in California for qualified patients. Legal products are medical marijuana CBD, tinctures, capsules, vape products and flower, to name a few.
For more information pertaining to California’s Medical Marijuana Identification Card program, including qualifying conditions, steps to take to apply for your medical marijuana card, and FAQs.
California Department of Health - MMCIP