Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Laws
Massachusetts Department of Health
Cannabis Control Commission
The Massachusetts Medical Use of Marijuana Program registers qualifying patients and caregivers for the use of medical marijuana. Registration and renewals for the program are done using the Medical Use of Marijuana Online system. Before applying to register to become a medical marijuana patient eligible to apply for the Massachusetts Medical Use of Marijuana system, you must schedule an appointment with a qualified health care provider, so he or she may evaluate and, if applicable, issue an MJ certification. Many doctors offer marijuana telemedicine appointments, so if you’re interested in telemedicine, you may want to check with your doctor to see if that’s an option. You must be certified by your healthcare provider, or you will be unable to register to obtain a marijuana program MJ card from the Massachusetts Medical Use of Marijuana System.
Due to COVID-19, telemedicine is allowed in Massachusetts. If interested in telemedicine, contact your MMJ doctor to determine if this is a possibility for you.
Next, you may apply online through the MMJ Online System or through snail mail. Online registration is the fastest way to register. Before registering you will need the PIN number, current photo of yourself, and a current valid form of ID. For your current photo, you may be able to use your Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) photo as photo ID. If you are unable to use this photo, you must register with a recent photo that meets the photo requirements. The acceptable forms of a valid ID are a Massachusetts driver’s license, Massachusetts ID card, U.S. passport, and U.S. Military ID. Please note, the name and address on your state issued ID must match the name and address on your MMJ registration application. If you use a U.S. military ID or U.S. passport ID, you must submit documentation proving Massachusetts residency. The name and address on your ID must match the name and address on your proof of residency documents.Once reviewed by the Massachusetts Medical Use of Marijuana Program, you will receive an email providing the status of your registration. If approved for registration, you will have the ability to print a temporary marijuana paper marijuana card. You’ll receive your plastic MJ card within three weeks. If you don’t, you should contact the Massachusetts Medical Use of Marijuana Program. You may designate up to 2 personal care givers; however, they must not be already designated by another patient as a caregiver unless the personal caregiver is part of your immediate family. Registration with the program expires annually, and you should renew your marijuana registration up to 60 days prior to your registration expiration, and the MJ card expires every 3 years, and, again, you should renew your registration for the MJ card up to 60 days prior to registration expiration.
Find a licensed marijuana doctor nearby to get your recommendation for a medical marijuana card.
Marijuana DoctorsMedicinal marijuana and low THC products are available for qualified patients. In many states, legal marijuana products include marijuana CBD oil, edibles, tinctures, capsules, vape products, and flower, to name a few.
Find Medical Use of Marijuana Program user information and Instructional Guides. These include general FAQS, approved medical conditions, steps to take to participate in the Massachusetts Medical Use of Marijuana Program, and MMJ card renewal information.
Massachusetts Medical Use of Marijuana Program