New Jersey Medical Marijuana Laws
New Jersey Department of Health
Division of Medicinal Marijuana
This Medical Marijuana Use registry in New Jersey is a secure, electronic, and online database for the registration of ordering physicians and qualified MMJ patients. You may not legally obtain or use medical cannabis without being added to the New Jersey Department of Health Division of Medicinal Marijuana. The first step in obtaining a medical marijuana card is to schedule an appointment with a certified MJ doctor. To the appointment, you must bring medical documentation which supports the medical diagnosis for which you are seeking medicinal marijuana treatment. You may also submit your medical documentation to the doctor before your appointment. MMJ Telemedicine is now an option with most MJ physicians. If interested in MJ telemedicine, please check with your selected doctor to see if a telemedicine appointment is an option. After the doctor evaluates you and, if applicable, recommends you for cannabis use, you must register for a marijuana card through the State of New Jersey Medical Marijuana program registry.
Three ounces per month
Yes, primary caregiver is a person who has agreed to assist with a registered qualifying patient’s medical use of marijuana. Primary caregiver cannot be the patient’s physician. Primary caregiver must be a resident of New Jersey. The primary caregiver can never have been convicted of a felony drug offense. The caregiver must be 18 years of age or older. The caregiver may only have one qualifying patient at any one time.
Yes. Card-carrying out-of-state patients may legally bring their marijuana into NJ for up to six months.
New Jersey residents who have serious medical conditions as certified by an MMJ doctor are considered marijuana patients. Patients register for an ID card and use that card to obtain medical marijuana products at a New Jersey alternative treatment center (ATC). You may look for an ATC center nearby you on the National Medical Marijuana Card Services platform. In terms of designated caregivers, a patient certified for medical marijuana may select a caregiver if the patient’s condition is too severe that they are unable to physically go to an ATC center by themselves. Caregivers can purchase medical marijuana from an ATC without the patient being present. A patient may designate up to two people as caregivers. During a patient’s registration, the caregivers can be designated. Designated caregivers must utilize the same process as patients to apply for a medical marijuana registry card and submit fingerprints for a criminal background investigation for which there’s a fee. Fingerprinting forms will become available once the caregiver has begun the registration process.
Find a licensed marijuana doctor nearby to get your recommendation for a medical marijuana card.
Marijuana DoctorsMedicinal marijuana and low-THC cannabis are available in New Jersey for qualified patients. Each state determines which medical marijuana products are allowable. Some medical marijuana products allowable under legal marijuana state laws are tinctures, vape products, flower, capsules, CBD oil and THC edibles, to name a few.
Find Medical Marijuana Use registry information, including general FAQs, approved medical conditions, steps to take to participate in the New Jersey State Division of Medicinal Marijuana program as a patient, registration information, and MMJ card renewal process information.
New Jersey Department of Health